Ready Check Automatic Payments

Eliminate check writing and postage costs each month!

Our free Ready Check program automatically withdraws your monthly electric payments from your bank account.

Getting started

Because we need your authorized signature, you'll need to complete an authorization form.

  • Print and complete our Ready Check enrollment form.
  • Return the completed form along with your voided check to the mailing address listed.

After you sign up, continue making your payments as usual. Within two months you'll see a notice on your electric service statement that says, Ready Check amount and Copy. Do not pay. This amount will be paid by your bank.

Seeing this message on your statement means that Ready Check is in effect. Payments automatically will deduct from your checking account.

Frequently asked questions about Ready Check

  • You can pay on the due date or provide a range of payment dates that fit with your billing schedule, and we'll select a payment date from that range.
  • Yes. But you can choose to go paperless by registering to use our My Account portal where you'll be able to access up to 24 months of billing statements online.
  • No. Ready Check is a free service.
  • Yes. With Even Monthly Payment (EMP), we average your electric payments from the last 12 months. This determines what you'll pay each month for the next year.
  • When you combine Ready Check with EMP, the same amount automatically will deduct from your checking or savings account each month. Just check the box at the bottom of the Ready Check enrollment form. It's that easy! 

Learn more about Even Monthly Payment.

  • Your bank statement will show "Otter Tail Power Company Ready Check." And your monthly electric bill will show that your previous balance was paid via Ready Check.
  • We'll charge a return-check fee of $15 just like we would if you paid by check. If this happens for three monthly bills within a 12-month period, we’ll remove you from our Ready Check program.
  • Fill out a new enrollment form and mail it to the address listed with a new voided check. We'll take care of the transfer for you.
  • Depending on when we receive the change, your account may not transfer on your next bill. This means you may need to mail a check payment for one bill.
  • If you move to another address that we serve, here's what you'll need to do:
    • If you have the same banking information: You don't need to do anything. We'll transfer the information required to your new electric account.
    • If you change banks: You'll need to fill out the enrollment form again with your new banking information. Send it to the address listed, along with a voided check from your new account.
  • Like Ready Check, electronic bill pay lets you set up automatic payments and both allow you to pay from either your checking or savings account. 
  • Electronic bill pay, however, is available through our My Account portal. It lets you pay your bills using a variety of payment options including credit or debit card, PayPal, PayPal Credit, and Amazon Pay.
  • Through our My Account portal you can manage all your accounts with a single username and password and access billing, electric use, and payment information at any time.