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Refrigeration rebates

Save energy and get rebates with high-efficiency refrigeration.

Rebates for keeping cool—and efficient—with upgraded refrigeration

Refrigeration accounts for up to 18% of energy use in the average business—and more than half for a business such as a grocery store. Cutting that energy can increase net profit margins.

Making the move to high-efficiency refrigeration equipment in your new facility, or as a replacement for your older system, brings a direct benefit to your bottom line.

Equipment rebates

Every business has different refrigeration needs, which is why we offer a wide range of rebates to help upgrade refrigeration systems. Technologies include LED display case lighting, condenser systems, subcooling systems, refrigerated display cases, strip curtains, night shades, and air-circulation systems. 

To be eligible, a licensed contractor must install your high-efficiency refrigeration equipment. Rebates can't exceed 75% of your purchase costs or annual electric bill amount.

Preventive maintenance discounts are also available. Discounts are based on compressor horsepower services with final costs less than $50.

Study help available!

Visit our Refrigeration optimization webpage for information on how we can help you find energy savings while enhancing your refrigeration system reliability.

To apply for a rebate, submit the application form with required documentation to: 

Otter Tail Power Company
P.O. Box 496
Fergus Falls, MN 56538

Please allow 6-8 weeks for your rebate check to arrive.

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Energy Experts

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