Our Guarantee

We're serious about high service standards

You'll receive timely, courteous customer service

If we're ever discourteous, or don't handle your inquiry in a timely manner, please let us know how we can serve you better.

We'll connect your service by the date we promise

If we don't connect your electric service by the date promised, we'll automatically credit your account $50. Exceptions include:

  • Severe weather or emergency events.
  • Inaccessible or unsafe premises.
  • Delays caused by contractors.
  • Other extenuating circumstances.

You'll receive accurate bills

If you receive an inaccurate bill, in addition to correcting it, we'll credit your account up to $25. This doesn't apply to estimated or prorated bills or to self-read meters.

We'll respect your property

We always take care with your property and try to leave it exactly as we found it. But occasionally accidents happen. If our employees damage your property, they'll work with you directly to fix the problem and find the best solution.

If you have a concern or problem with your electric service, we want to know. Contact our Customer Service Center or call 800-257-4044.