FYI: thermal-storage room units

Room-by-room control and comfort from a thermal-storage system.

What are thermal-storage room units?

Regulating heat at the room-level can now be handled through a thermal-storage option, allowing you to store heat when prices are lowest and use it when—and where—you need it.

Benefits of thermal-storage room units

Room units are ideal for retrofitting electric baseboard-heated homes, supplementing an existing system, or reaching a new addition or cold spot in your home. Thermal-storage room units are also:

  • Versatile — Can be added to new or existing buildings, home additions, or large institutions like schools, courthouses, or nursing homes
  • Clean — Dust-free consistent heating leading to a clean and quiet system
  • Zoned — Get room-by-room control over heat levels, eliminating hot and cold spots
  • Efficient — 100% energy efficiency and eligible for our discounted off-peak rates

How do they work?

Like all thermal-storage systems, you can think of this system as a kind of “heat battery” storing energy until it’s needed.

Unique and specially-designed, the ceramic bricks within the thermal-storage unit store heat during off-peak hours. Then, when it’s time to warm up, heat is transferred through the room.

The added benefit of this system is that it permits zoned heating and room-by-room temperature control.

Rebates are available

Install a thermal storage system on a qualified discounted off-peak rates and receive a rebate. See details in our electric heating rebate page.

Related programs

Residential Business

Deferred Load Rate

Store now, use later—save up to 30% on your heating and cooling costs by switching to our Deferred Load Rate.

Dual Fuel Rate

Gain the benefits of both electric heat and backup non-electric heat through use of our Dual Fuel Rates.

Electric heating rebates

Rebates are available for several electric-heating technologies.

Fixed Time of Delivery Rate

Set your energy delivery to off-peak hours to store heating and cooling power for the day—all at one of our lowest prices.

Heat pump rebates

Install the most efficient and environmentally friendly heating and cooling system on the market and start saving big!

Thermal-storage systems

Add a thermal-storage system to a new building or upgrade an existing system and get up to $75 per kilowatt in rebates.